Upcoming Courses
Below is a current list of available courses.
Please call to register for classes - you can't register on this website.
307-674-6652 - Call or Text
email: info@wyorei.com
Required Continuing Education
8-hour classes are $80 each / 4-hour classes are $45 each OR if BOTH 4-hour classes are taken in one day it's $80 Total
Sarah Will be Addressing the National Association of REALTORS®
Required Practice and Forms Changes in These Classes
Nov 26th: Overview of Real Estate Law and Wyoming Law & Rules
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Nov 20th: Wyoming Broker Management
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Dec 12th: Marketing, Advertising & Social Media Compliance
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Dec 12th: Title Insurance, Escrow & Closing
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Dec 17th: Agency & Contracts
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Elective CE Traditional On-line Courses (Not ZOOM)
Pre-License Courses
Course I, Course II and WY Law are the Required Courses to obtain a new Sales or Broker License.
If you are licensed in another state, just Course II & WY Law are required.
November 2024
Monday 4th- Thursday 7th (Course II and WY Law)
AND Monday 11th-Friday 15th (Course I)
January 2025
Monday 6th - Friday 10th (Course I)
AND Monday 20th - Thursday 23rd (Course II and WY Law)
Attend all 9 days on ZOOM
Attend 4 days on ZOOM (Course II and WY Law)
AND Take our Course I in an online self paced program
We offer instructional support with the online, self paced program.
Instructional support includes private tutoring session and study groups
with our Instructor, Sarah Johnson.
Click Here to Register for the Online Sales Course I
Click Here to Register for the Online Broker Course I